The .RS WHOIS service makes it possible to view the database of registered .rs domain names.
Search the whois database and lookup .rs domain owner, admin or technical contact information.
All results are captured and framed in real-time.
What is the information displayed in the WHOIS record?
The first part of the record will display information relevant to the domain name:
The second part of the registry will provide information about the domain owner:
Note that in most cases the registrant information is also displayed as the Administrative Contact, and Technical Contact, as they are the same person or entity.
Search the whois database and lookup .rs domain owner, admin or technical contact information.
All results are captured and framed in real-time.
What is the information displayed in the WHOIS record?
The first part of the record will display information relevant to the domain name:
The second part of the registry will provide information about the domain owner:
Note that in most cases the registrant information is also displayed as the Administrative Contact, and Technical Contact, as they are the same person or entity.